Sep 11/13
Growlers are now available at Indeed!
For those wondering why we waited so long to launch growler sales, here’s a quick explanation. Before August 1 of this year, there was a production ceiling on breweries allowed to sell beer in growlers. Once a brewery reached the point of brewing 3,500 barrels annually, they were no longer able to sell beer in growlers.
Indeed is trying to make enough beer to keep up with local demand. In doing so, we increased our brewing capacity in early 2013, and are on track to brew close to 6,000 barrels of beer this calendar year. With our company’s early and steady growth, and with the growler cap in mind, we decided not to sell growlers, only to be required to phase them out once we reached the 3,500 barrel production ceiling.
However, that all changed in May of this year. After a lot of hard work and lobbying on the part of the Minnesota Packaging Brewer’s Association and Minnesota legislature, the growler cap was raised from 3,500 to 20,000 25,000 barrels. This change in Minnesota law reflects the support of local craft breweries, distributors and retailers. We are happy to keep pace with the change by offering our beer in growlers!
Growler pricing is $15 for new growlers and $10 for growler refills. (Pricing is subject to change based on beers and availability.)