'The Beer' issue by Twin Cities METRO magazine hits the shelves

February’s Twin Cities METRO issue takes aim at an important topic: beer. Specifically, Minnesota beer – it’s origins, it’s craft-minded, new-age purveyors and it’s future as a hallmark of the state. But it’s not all about pale ales and stouts this month (like any responsible drinker, we know when it’s time to call it quits). -- Drew Kerr

Did we mention that Indeed Brewing Company's brewer, Josh Bischoff, is also mentioned as in the "The New Guard of Twin Cities Brewing" picture (he's second from left). Check out the cool photo shoot video too.

Pick up a copy at your local book store or better yet, subscribe to receive in the mail: http://www.tigeroak.com/metromag-subscribe

TC Metro Magazine - Behind the Scenes - February Beer Issue Photo Shoot from METRO Magazine on Vimeo.

TC Metro Magazine - Behind the Scenes - February Beer Issue Photo Shoot.