Join us Friday on our Mexican Honey #TourBuzz!

We’ve been buzzing with excitement this month, with the return of our award-winning Mexican Honey Imperial Lager. This golden brew has got us in fiesta mode, so we decided to take our merrymaking straight to you! This Friday we’re commandeering a Bitter Minnesota #TourBuzz, loading it up with Mexican Honey giveaways and a mariachi band to put us in the mood. We’ll be landing at five locations throughout the evening, bringing music and a Mexican Honey happy hour everywhere we go– starting at the Blue Door Pub in Longfellow and flying off to Buster’s On 28th, Mackenzie’s Pub and Triple Rock Social Club, with our last stop at Betty Danger’s Country Club. Come Friday, it will have been a week well worked – and you deserve a little dip in the honey pot. So shake those mittens off your paws and join us, you thirsty creatures!

 Join us at the following locations:

4:00pm – Blue Door Pub Longfellow

4:45pm – Buster’s On 28th

5:30pm – Mackenzie’s Pub

6:30pm – Triple Rock Social Club

7:30pm – Betty Danger’s Country Club